- Typing ELISA: Highly specific reagents and a suitable test protocol were developed, optimized and standardized for quick and precise identification of virus type(s) in field materials by ELISA.
- Liquid-phase blocking ELISA: LPB-ELISA was developed for use in sero-epidemiology and sero-monitoring and found specific and sensitive for determining the protective antibody levels in animals following vaccination.
- Multiplex PCR for the differentiation of Indian FMDV serotypes: Multiplex PCR for the differentiation of four FMDV serotypes, O, A, C and Asia 1, was developed using the primers based exclusively on Indian FMDV sequences
- Recombinant 3AB3 DIVA kit for to differentiate FMD infected from vaccinated animals: This test is a diagnostic marker for FMD virus infection and has got immense value in detecting evidence of infection and circulation of FMD virus in a herd practicing intensive vaccination in disease endemic regions, to diagnose carrier status post infection, for planning vaccination strategy and for import/export serology.
- Identified and supplied most appropriate serotype A FMD virus vaccine strain for FMD vaccine production in the country
- Molecular epidemiology: A huge sequence database on Indian FMD viruses was created and expert analysis of these data using modern bioinformatics softwares, led to many important phylogenetic inferences.
- National FMD Virus Repository: The virus repository has served the cause of the country by providing isolates for molecular epidemiological studies, evaluation of antigenic relatedness between the field and vaccine strains and selection of new candidate vaccine strains whenever required.
- Diagnosis of FMD by RNA transfection: A significantly higher rate of virus regeneration from clinical materials regardless of their detection status in ELISA or multiplex PCR was achieved by this method. Virus could be recovered from the clinical samples stored at higher temperatures and pH for up to five weeks time that break down viral capsid.
- Single dilution liquid phase blocking ELISA (Sd-LPBE) for large scale sero-monitoring of post vaccination serum samples against FMD: The conventional low throughput end point dilution LPBE can be substituted with a more economical, high throughput SdLPBE for quantitative assessment of antibody response to fulfill the requirement for testing large
- Genotype/Lineage-FMD: A PCR was developed to determine the lineage of the type Asia 1 field isolates involved in the outbreaks. This PCR gives a fast preliminary indication on the genetic lineage before proceeding with thorough sequencing of 1D region, which continues to be the confirmatory method to assign lineages by phylogenetic analysis.