Khar Land Research Station, Panvel

This centre was sanctioned during XII Five year plan and started functioning at Khar Land Research Station, Panvel under Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) as per ICAR Order NRM-1(21)/2014-SW&DF, Dated:  25-04-2014. The centre is situated in Agro ecological region 19 (Western Ghats and Coastal Plain, hot humid-per humid) and located at 18.9894° N Latitude and 73.1175° E Longitude.

  • Characterization of Creek/Sea water: The tide height during high ride remains up to 5.2 m. The entry of tide water through creeks and sub creeks towards land side is observed up to 3 km. Observations on soil salinity and groundwater quality from sea/ creek towards land were taken in coastal districts (Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Ratangiri and Sindhudurg) of Konkan during Nov- Dec 2014 and May 2015. The average pH, EC and Na of creek/sea water varied from 5.44 to 8.22, 1.73 to 78.75 dSm-1 and 0.994 to 580.65 meql-1, respectively, during Nov-Dec, 2014. During April-May 2015, pH, EC and Na varied from 6.49 to 8.00, 0.97 to 60.70 dSm-1 and 1.47 to 123.35 meql-1, respectively. The salinity of creek/ sea water remained very high.
  • Characterization of groundwater: Total 218 groundwater samples from different locations of Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Ratangiri and Sindhudurg district during Nov-Dec 2014 and April- May 2015. It was observed that average pH and EC of groundwater ranged from 5.08 to 8.60 and 0.01 to 8.91 dSm-1, respectively. It is observed that groundwater salinity reduced with distance from creek/sea towards landside up to 10 km. Around 33.94% groundwater samples were saline (EC >4 dS/m, SAR 10 and RSC 2.5 meq/l) during post monsoon (Nov-Dec) and 45.47 % samples were during pre monsoon (April-May) period.
  • Soil characterization: Soil samples were collected from Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Ratangiri and Sindhudurg district during Nov-Dec (2014).The pH and EC ranged between 3.34 to 9.24 and 0.01 to 19.73 dsm-1, respectively. On the basis of analysis of surface and subsurface soil samples, it was observed that as distance increases (0-10 km) from sea/creek EC, Na and Cl-content decreases while Ca+, Mg+ and organic carbon increases, but P and K+ does not showed much more differences during pre monsoon and post monsoon periods.
  • IFS model for coastal region of Maharashtra: Integrated Farming System research with different Components such as Rice, vegetables, poultry, Horticulture, fish and vermi-compost was carried out at two locations on farmers’ fields. Yield and profitability (for 1 ha area) increased under IFS on both Koproli and Vashi locations with B:C ratio as 1.67 ( Koproli village) and 1.99 ( Vashi village), respectively. The B:C at Vashi may be due to large size of pond (56 m2)  than at Koproli (20 m2) as fish is important component compared to other components.