The Project Coordinating Unit is stationed at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal and it is involved in research activities besides the coordination work. It is located in Agro-ecological region 4 (Northern Plain, hot semi-arid) at latitude and longitude as 29.7014° N, 76.9789° E.
- National guidelines for use of saline and alkali groundwater for irrigation were prepared for different agro-ecological zones of the country. These site-specific guidelines consider soil type, rainfall and salt tolerance of crops, in addition to the major ion chemistry of water and thus have widely replaced the too conservative guidelines in vogue.
- The information generated on the crop tolerance to the use of saline waters in different agro-climatic zone of India was compiled, modelled and salt tolerance table for cereals, oil seeds, pulses and vegetable crops prepared.
- Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk) known as Isabgol, a medicinal crop of global demand for its laxative value is a very promising crop for cultivation under dry land salinity without any significant yield reduction with saline water of EC 12 dS/m. Isabgol can be successfully grown with 2 number of saline water irrigations; first irrigation after dry seeding and second irrigation after 21 days of sowing.
- Evaluated tree species for planting in highly calcareous saline soils with saline irrigation. The preferred choice of tree species for these conditions should be Tamarix articulate, Acacia nilotica, Prosopis juliflora, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Acacia tortilis and Casia siamea.
- In calcareous saline soils, established the agri-horticultural system suited to bio-saline agriculture and the concluded that karonda, bael and aonla could be grown under saline irrigation of up to 12-14 dS/m.
- Technology to use domestic and industrial wastewaters based on the following components have been developed: i) Reuse of water for crop cultivation: A package has been developed wherein various low cost strategies have been given to avoid contamination of the food chain; ii) Reuse for non-food chain crops included irrigation for flowers, aromatic and forest plants; iii) For reuse in plantation for disposal, the potential of trees for evapo-transpiration has been assessed.