AICRP on Energy for Agriculture and Agro-based Industries
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Welcome to All India Coordinated Research Project on Energy for Agriculture and Agro-based Industries

The All India Coordinated Research Project on Renewable Sources Energy for Agriculture and Agro-based Industries (AICRP on RES) was launched in March 1983 initially with thirteen centres (Coordinating Cell – CIAE, Bhopal, Cooperating Centres: CIAE, Bhopal; CAZRI, Jodhpur,; CRRI, Cuttack; IARI, New Delhi; PAU, Ludhiana; TNAU, Coimbatore; University of Udaipur, Udaipur; SPCW, Courtallam; GBPUA&T, Pant Nagar; HAU, Hisar; UAS, Dharwad; HPAU, Palampur and AAU, Jorhat) during VI Plan period. With the approval of XII Plan (01.01.2015) the mandate and objectives of the project was changed to cover renewable as well as conventional sources of energy. All the research & developmental components of the AICRP on RES were merged into one component named “Development of renewable energy technologies (DRET)”. 

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Project Coordinator’s message

Energy is one of the major parameter for establishing growth and progress of the country. The earth is facing tremendous pressure due to population explosion, environment health deterioration and increasing energy requirements. The problems of growing energy demand and environmental health deterioration could effectively be dealt to a greater extent by development of sustainable energy & environmental systems. The renewable energies are probably the most feasible option to solve both the problems in sustainable manner. 


DRET (Development of Renewable Energy Technologies):

  • Development / adaptation of renewable energy technologies / processes / techniques for their intervention into region specific energy supply system.
  • Development of efficient solar energy devices/gadgets for their efficient utilization in agricultural sector.
  • Development of bio-chemical and thermo-chemical conversion based decentralized power generation systems.
  • Development of suitable practices / processes for liquid bio-fuel (bio-ethanol & algal) and bio-diesel

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A walk-in type solar tunnel dryer was designed & developed by MPUA&T, Udaipur centre for drying of high-value crops. The TNAU, Coimbatore centre undertook the popularization of the solar tunnel dryer. The dryer consists of a semi‐cylindrical tunnel structure and a solar collector made up of cement concrete floor coated with an absorber surface. The dryer is of a walk‐in type to facilitate loading and unloading of the product easily. The dried products depict superior quality than open-sun drying method. It reduces the drying time in the tune of 40-60 % and saving in the cost of drying up to 60 % depending upon the type of agro-products. It is suitable for drying of 0.5 tonnes to 2 tonnes of agro-products per batch depending upon product density. The cost of the solar tunnel dryer is INR 2,95,000/- per unit. There are 249 such walk-in type solar tunnel dryers have been installed in the state of Tamil Nadu by 2020. The Government of Tamil Nadu has extended subsidies @ 50% for male farmers and 60% for female farmers for installation of solar tunnel dryers.