Welcome to AICRP-Fruits
The ICAR-AICRP, a landmark in the history of agricultural research, was extended to fruit crops by the ICAR during the Fourth Five Year plan (1969–74) on July 31, 1971. This project was initially named the All India Coordinated Fruit Improvement Project (AICFIP) to work on Citrus, banana, papaya and pineapple as Cell-I and on mango, guava and grape as Cell-II. Later AICFIP was renamed AICRP; Cell-I was referred to as AICRP on Tropical Fruits at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru; and Cell-II became AICRP on Sub-Tropical Fruits at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow. In 2013, a merger of these two coordinated projects formed the ICAR-AICRP on Fruits. Accordingly, the project is operational at 50 centres (at present, there are 30 SAU-based centres, 14 ICAR-Institute-based centres, 4 CAU-based centres and one at a private centre in Pune and one under the Government of Arunachal Pradesh). Among these, 23 centres are working on mango, 16 on guava, 13 on banana, 12 on Citrus, 9 on papaya, 8 each on litchi and grapes, 5 on jackfruit and 4 on sapota.
Message From PC

The All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Fruits of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) is a unique mechanism for testing and recommending the location and need-based technologies depending on the ago-climatic conditions.
Wide spread adoption of innovative technologies, packaged as improved technology or a package of practices is said to enhance the productivity and profitability of crops. while R&D institutions provide the proof of concept there is a need to test the same across different agro climatic regions through wide spread demonstrations for creating awareness among growers and subsequent adoption. ICAR, the apex body for all agricultural research and development activities in India, has set up a network of centres for facilitating testing and demonstrating the results of proven technologies across regions for the benefit of growers and hence wider adoption.
- Tested and recommended many fruit crop varieties and hybrids. Recently recommended are CO-8 in papaya; Pant Chandra and Suvarna in mango; Balaji, Phule Sharbati and PDKV lime in acid lime; Phule Mosambi in sweet orange, ARI-516 in grapes, PKM-4 and PKM (Sa)-5 in sapota.
- Recommended the mango hybrid Mallika released from ICAR-IARI—it was found to be feasible in West Bengal and Karnataka region. PKM-3 sapota variety developed by Periyakulam centre (TNAU) has been recommended in Andhra Pradesh, while grapes hybrid ARI-516 developed by ARI, Pune, has been recommended for cultivation in Punjab.