Welcome to AICRP on Groundnut
Groundnut the premier oilseed in the Country with an area of 6 million ha. and a production of about 7.5 million ton. Looking to its importance and potential for further contribution to the oilseeds kitty, groundnut outreach research activities were delineated from the Directorate of Oilseeds Research (DOR), Hyderabad during 1992 and a separate of “All India Coordinated Research Project on Groundnut (AICRP-Groundnut)” was established during VIII-Five year plan (1992-97). To ensure effective interaction with the scientists engaged in basic and strategic research on groundnut at the national level, the Project Coordinating Unit was placed at the National Research Centre for Groundnut (NRCG), Junagadh. With this development, the AICRP-Groundnut Research activities were restructured, reorganized and strengthened to deal with the problems limiting groundnut production and productivity in the country. Specific issues related to all the four growing seasons namely to kharif and rabi-summer requirements separately through its 20 regular centres .

- Raj Mungfali-3 (RG 559-3)’ a High Yielding……
- ALG 06-320’ a high yielding Spanish Bunch Groundnut…..
- Phule Bharati (JL 776)’ a high yielding …..
- Phule Warna (KDG 128) –A high yielding Virginia Bunch …
A high yielding (2.8 tons of pod; 1.8 tons of kernel) Spanish bunch groundnut variety GJG 32 (ICGV 03043) with high oil (50%) content, early maturity (110 days) has been released for supplementary irrigated situation in kharif season in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and southern Maharashtra
Project Coordinator’s message

Groundnut the premier oilseed in the Country and continues to be important one among the annual Oilseeds cultivated in India. Looking to its importance and potential for further contribution to the oilseeds …