Welcome to AICRP on Linseed
linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is an important oilseed crop used for industrial and edible purposes. In Turkistan, Afghanistan, India, United States of America, Canada and China, it is primarily grown for seed oil while in Asia and South Russia, it is traditionally cultivated for edible as well as industrial fibre purposes. In Canada, its neutraceutical values are primarily exploited in addition to its fibre for textile industries.
linseed plant is endowed with immense qualities. The main industrial use of its oil is in the manufacture of eco friendly paints, varnishes, a wide range of coating oils, linoleum, pad and printing inks, leather and soap. Oil cake is a good feed for milch cattle, which prevents them from many diseases.
Recent advances in medicine have established its unparalleled qualities, which controls prostrate and bowel cancer and regulates cholesterol. Being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid, it regulates metabolism of human body and prevents many neurological and brain related elements. Its fibre is lustrous and blends well with cotton, wool and the pulp is used for making currency notes, reinforced plastics and for other artisan purposes.
Crop improvement
Genetic resources management
- Two thousand nine hundred and fifteen (2915) germplasm accessions were being maintained at PC & GMU, Kanpur were characterized for 8 quantitative and 12 qualitative traits for developing core collection.
- Two thousand six hundred eighty six (2686) accessions were conserved in National Gene Bank, New Delhi for long-term storage.
- Three germplasm accessions (IC 564627, IC 564681 and IC 563952) were registered by PGRC, NBPGR, New Delhi.
- Four breeding lines were identified with low linolenic acid content (less than 4%).
- EC 541221 was identified for high linolenic acid content (66%).
- Molecular characterization of 10 linseed varieties using RAPD marker was done at PC Unit, Kanpur.
- DNA finger printing of 26 varieties using SSR markers was done at NBPGR, New Delhi.d Baner was submitted for protection under PPV&FR Act., 2001.