All India Coordinated Research Project on Linseed

Production technologies developed by centres

  • Application of sulphur @ 30 kg/ha (irrigated) and 15 kg/ha (rainfed) situation increased seed yield significantly. Gypsum proved its superiority over pyrite as a source of sulphur at all the tested locations.
  • linseed varieties Shekhar and JL 41 under irrigated; RLC 92, T397 and NL 115 under rainfed ecology were found most adaptable.
  • Sowing linseed in 47thstandard week (19 November – 25 November) and the variety, PKV NL-260 produced highest seed yield under limited irrigation.
  • Highest seed yield of 871, 891, 1023, 962 kg/ha and net returns (NR) of Rs. 29119, 36839, 29257 and 32303/ha were recorded with mulching, 100%Cumulative Pan Evaporation (CPE), 100% RDF and mulching x 100% Cumulative Pan Evaporation (CPE), respectively,in Karnataka.
  • Under Uteracondition yield level of 9.0 q/ha obtained by providing two irrigation and 2% foliar spray of urea in addition to recommended fertilizer.
  • Highest seed yield of linseed 670 kg/ha was obtained with 50% Recommended dose of Nitrogen (RDN) + biofertilizer + liquid manure (vermiwash) + vermicompost @ 2.5 t/ha.
  • Isoproturon @ 1.0 kg/acre in clay loam soil of central Bihar,   Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1 kg/acre and Imazethapyr 10 EC @ 75 g/acre in Vertisolsof Madhya Pradesh and Clodinafop @ 60 g /acre and Imazethapyr 10 EC @ 100 g/acre in sandy loam soil of eastern Uttar Pradesh proved economically viable alternative of two hand weedings.
  • Sowing during November in Chhattisgarh recorded higher value of HUE and HTUE and proved its superiority over 20 October and 5 December. RLC-92 exhibited higher seed yield.
  • The higher seed yield and returns were obtained with two irrigation and 100% RDN + foliar spray of Urea (2%) at pre flowering under Uteracultivation in Chhattisgarh.
  • Dry seeding with planking followed by irrigationrecoded higher seed yield and RLC-92 showed good stand establishment with   vigorous growth at Raipur.
  • Seed yield, water use efficiency and B: C ratio was found significantly higher where rice straw mulch was applied. Irrigation with 100% CPE gave higher seed yield and B:C ratio, but in case of water use efficiency, with 50% CPE was found higher. Recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) recorded significantly higher seed yield, water use efficiency and B: C ratio over 75% of RDF at Raipur.
  • In Rice-linseed sequence, in lieu of 100% NPK to both the crops, 75% NPK+3-5 t FYM+N biofertilizer + PSB to rice and 75% NPK+Azotobacter+PSB to linseed recommended as an INM module in Assam.
  • linseed+lentil (3:3) recommended as remunerative intercropping system over sole cropping in NEH region.