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AICRP on Nematodes

During 1970s, a trained human resource was available to take up nematological investigations and nematological units were functional in many states across the country. India being a vast country with diverse agro-climatic conditions, a strong need was felt to develop region-specific nematode management technologies through multi-location coordinated research. Dr. Seshadri through his visionary acumen conceptualized the formation of an “All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Plant Nematode Pests and their Control” which was initially funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for a period of two years i.e., 1-4-77 to 31-3-79. The work was initiated with formation of technical programme at the first mini workshop held at IARI, New Delhi during July, 1977. This project was later taken over by Indian Council of Agricultural Research from the sixth Five year plan and is in operation since then. The Project is being funded by the Crops Division of ICAR on plan to plan basis and has transformed structurally, administratively and technically.

The success story of Nematode management in poly house

Poly house-grown vegetables (cucumber) in the Thanniyam area of the Anthikad block of Thrissur district, Kerala was heavily infected with  Meloidogyne incognita. The poly house in these areas was dominated by soil having a high proportion of sand.

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Project Coordinator

Dr. Gautam Chawla

News Event

The training programme on “Nematode Awareness Day for Tribal Farmers” was organized on 7th March, 2020 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Navasari Agricultural University, Dediapada, Dist. Narmada to educate tribal farmers about nematodes. Total two hundred tribal farm women participated in this programme.
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