Welcome to AICRP on Safflower
The All India Coordinated Research Project on Oilseeds (AICRP) was established in 1967 by the ICAR with the objective to control and coordinate the planning, funding and execution of research programme at multi-locations to develop the region specific technologies as well as to solve the problems of national importance. The main aim of this programme was to have a systematic research programmes to augment the production and productivity of oilseeds in the country. In 1972, safllower was included in the project along with sunflower and niger and the total financial outlay was Rs. 165.00 lakhs for the entire plan period. The budget for AICRP (Safflower) was only Rs. 5.27 lakhs. Initially, the AICRP (Safflower) programme started at Jalgaon as the main centre in 1972 and three sub-centres viz., Rajendranagar, Annigeri and Coimbatore were added in 1972 with a total manpower of 16 (Scientists=8, Technical=8). The Associate Project Coordinator of castor was also coordinating the safflower programme. As coordinating and monitoring of the entire project by one Project Coordinator due to expansion of the project by addition of centres and crops became difficult, in the V Plan, one Associate Project Coordinators position for safflower was created to assist the Project Coordinator.
Project Coordinator’s message
India is one of the largest vegetable oil economies in the world and stands next to the USA, China,Brazil and Argentina. The diverse agro-ecological conditions in the country are favourable for growing nine annual oilseed crops.