All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame and Niger
(AICRP-Sesame and Niger)


Genetic resources management

  • Two thousand four hundred and two (2402) germplasm accessions are being maintained at PCU, Jabalpur and characterization is being done for 10 quantitative and 18 morphological traits.
  • Four germplasm accessions (IC296761, IC522204, IC548341, IC553270) were registered with NBPGR, New Delhi.
  • High oil content and seed yield accessions identified: SI-3283, PCU-35, GRT-8376-1, JLS-706, LT-15-26, SI-770, DS-68, AT 413, AT 437, RT-386
  • Early maturity accessions identified: SI-205-1, EC 542304, RT 383, AT 504, RT 388, AT375, MT 31-7, MT 5-04, JLS-1502-4
  • Molecular characterization of 70 sesame varieties using SSR marker is done
  • 4 Catalogues comprising 7260 germplasm has been published.
  • A compendium on sesame varieties as per DUS guidelines was published in 2020.
  • Potential donors for different target traits of interest of sesame accessions have been identified and are being utilized in crop improvement programme.


Table 1. Varieties of Sesame released for different states


Releasing State/ Variety Year of Release Seed Yield


Oil content (%) Days to maturity Salient characters


Purva-1 1969 650-700 48-50 95-100 Reddish brown seed, Moderately resistant to Powdery mildew.
Gujarat Til-1 1979 650-700 48-52 86-92 White seed, moderately resistant to powdery mildew
Gujarat Til-2 1994 750-800 48-52 88-92 White seed, branching type, multi capsular
Gujarat Til-10 2002 750-800 48-52 88-92 Black seed, resistant to powdery mildew
Gujarat Til-3 2006 750-800 48-52 84-88 White bold seed, profused branching, medium


Gujarat Til-4 2010 750-800 48-52 79-83 White seed, early maturing, multicapsuler
GJT-5 2016 900-1000 48-50 82-94 White boldseeded, suitable for export purpose
GT-6 2018 900-1000 49-51 80-85 White seed with bolder size, suitable for export


1967 600-650 48-52 95-100 Dull White seed, tolerant to Macrophomina
RT-46 1990 700-750 48-50 82-85 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria
RT-54 1992 700-800 43-46 78-80 Light brown seed, tolerant to leaf blight and


RT-125 1994 700-800 48-50 83-88 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria and bacterial leaf


RT-103 1994 700-800 46-50 83-88 White seed, tolerant to bacterial leaf blight
RT-127 2001 750-850 50-52 82-86 White bold seed, drought hardy, tolerant to bacterial leaf spot and powdery mildew
RT- 346 2009 750-850 49-51 82-86 White seed, short internodal distance, tolerant to leaf curl and Alternaria
RT- 351 2010 700-800 48-51 80-85 White seed, tolerant to leaf curl and Cercospora
RT-372 2018 600-650 48-50 85-90 White seed, Mod. resistant to leaf webber, capsule borer (Antigastra), Macrophomica stem and root rot, phyllody and resistant to Alternaria leaf spot and Cercospora leaf spot, shattering resistant
Phule Til.1 1978 600-700 49-51 90-95 White seed
N-8 1982 600-650 50-51 120-125 Light Brown tinge seed, resistant to powdery mildew, tolerant to Alternaria
Tapi (JLT -7) 1987 600-700 48-52 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria
Padma (JLT-26) 1991 700-750 48-50 82-86 Light brown seed, tolerant to Alternaria and


AKT-64 1996 700-750 47-48 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Phytopthora
AKT-101 2001 750-800 48-49 88-90 White seed, Oxalic acid below 1 % and FFA below

2 %, tolerant to bacterial blight

PKV-NT-11 2009 800-850 48-49 88-92 White seed, tolerant to bacterial blight,
JLT-408 2010 700-800 51-53 80-85 White bold seed, tolerant to powdery mildew
N-32 1969 600-650 44-46 85-90 White seed, moderately resistant to Alternaria, Tolerant to gallfly and capsule borer.
Kanchan (JT-7) 1980 600-700 50-53 84-88 White seed
TKG-21 (JT-21) 1993 650-700 52-54 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria and bacterial leaf


TKG-22 1995 650-700 50-54 82-85 White seed, tolerant to Phytophthora
TKG-55 (JT- 55) 1999 650-700 50-53 82-85 White seed, tolerant to Phytophthora
JTS-8 2001 650-700 50-53 82-85 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria and Phytophthora
Jawahar Til-11


2006 650-700 46-50 82-85 Dark brown seed
TKG-306 2006 700-800 49-52 86-90 White seed, tolerant to Phytophthora, Cercospora,

Powdery mildew, and Alternaria

Jawahar Til –12


2008 700-750 48-52 82-85 White seed
TKG-308 2008 700-750 46-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Phytophthora, Cercospora,

Powdery mildew and Alternaria

Jawahar Til -14


2010 700-750 50-53 85-88 Black seed
T-4 1959 600-650 46-48 85-90 White seed, Drought susceptible
T-12 1962 650-700 46-50 85-88 White seed, tolerant to leaf curl
T-13 1967 600-700 48-52 82-88 White seed, tolerant to lodging
T-78 1995 650-700 46-50 85-90 White seed, Resistant to lodging and tolerant to leaf

curl disease

Shekhar 2001 700-800 50-52 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Powdery mildew, moderatelyresistant to Phytopthora
Pragati (MT-75) 2002 700-750 48-52 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Powdery mildew, and


Tilottama (B-67) 1984 900-1000


42-44 80-85 Blackish brown seed, tolerant to Macrophomina
Rama (Imp.Sel.5) 1989 1000-1003


46-48 85-90 Reddish brown seed


2008 1100-1400


48-50 84-88 Light brown seed, tolerant to lodging


2018 900-1200 48-50 88-92 Light brown Coloured, days, 1000 seed wt-3.3-3.5 g, resistant to root rot, phyllody and powdery mildew; adaptability under high heat and drought situation
Haryana Til-1 1978 700-750 48-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to leaf curl
Haryana Til-2 2012 650-750 48-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to leaf curl
Gauri 1974 650-700 46-48 85-90 Dark brown seed, suitable for early kharif and summer
Madhavi 1978 650-700 46-48 78-82 Light brown seed
Rajeshwari 1988 700-750 48-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to stem rot and powdery mildew
Varaha (Yel.1) 1993 800-850 50-53 82-85 Dark brown seed, uniform maturity.
Gautama (Yel.2) 1993 750-800 50-52 76-80 Light brown seed, uniform maturity, tolerant to Alternaria
Swetha Til 1997 750-800 50-52 82-86 White seed, tolerant to powdery mildew, leaf curl
Chandana 2002 800-850 45-48 84-88 Brown seed, tolerant to bacterial blight
Hima 2006 800-850 48-50 80-85 Shiny white seed, long capsules, tolerant to


Kanak 1979 600-700 46-48 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to lodging
T-85 1962 600-650 42-45 90-95 White seed
Kalika 1985 600-700 45-48 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to Macrophomina
Vinayak 1989 600-650 43-46 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to Alternaria


1992 750-850 42-46 75-80 Pale white seed, tolerant to Macrophomina


1992 700-750 43-46 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to Alternaria


2003 800-900 42-44 80-85 White seed, tolerant to bacterial leaf spot, powdery

mildew and Alternaria

Prachi (ORM-17) 2004 800-900 42-45 85-90 Black seed, tolerant to cercospora, powdery mildew
Amrit [OSC- 24(95)2-1-3] 2007 800-900 43-46 82-85 Light brown seed, tolerant to powdery mildew and Alternaria
Shubhra 2012 800-900 48-52 78-84 White seed, delayed shattering tolerant to Alternaria
Smarak 2012 800-900 48-52 80-85 Golden yellow bold seed, delayed shattering, synchronous maturity, tolerant to Macrophomina and Alternaria
TMV- 3 1943 650-700 50-52 80-85 Dark Brown seed
TMV-4 1977 700-850 48-50 85-90 Light Brown seed
TMV-6 1980 700-950 52-54 85-90 Dark Brown seed, tolerant to drought
CO -1 1983 650-750 50-52 85-90 Black seed, moderately resistant to


Paiyur-1 1990 750-850 50-52 85-90 Dark Brown seed, tolerant to powdery mildew
TSS-6 (SVPR-1) 1991 750-800 50-54 75-80 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria
VRI (SV)-1 1995 600-700 50-52 72-75 Dark brown seed, moderately resistant to

Powdery Mildew

VRI (SV)-2 2005 700-800 50-53 80-85 Dark brown seed
TMV(SV)-7 2009 800-900 48-50 80-85 Brown testa, suitable for confectionery
VRI 3 2018 850-950 50-52 75-80 Moderately resistant to Macrophomina and   shoot webber cum capsule borer
Krishna 1989 700-750 45-48 88-95 Black seed, tolerant to Alternaria
E-8 1987 550-600 46-48 95-100 White seed, tolerant to powdery mildew and bacterial leaf blight.
DS-1 1995 400-500 48-50 95-100 White seed, tolerant to bacterial blight
DSS-9 2009 550-600 49-50 85-90 White bold seed, tolerant to bacterial blight
DS-5 2012 600-700 50-52 90-95 White bold seed
Thilothama 1982 600-650 48-50 85-90 Brown bold seed
Soma 1984 600-650 44-48 85-95 White seed, tolerant to Alternaria
Surya 1984 600-650 44-48 85-95 Black seed
Kayamkulam-1 2006 600-650 48-50 80-85 Brownish black seed
Thilak 2006 600-650 48-50 85-90 Dark brown seed
Thilathara 2006 600-650 48-52 84-88 Dark brown seed, suitable for both  rice fallow and upland, tolerant to powdery mildew
Thilarani 2006 650-750 46-50 82-86 Dark brown seed, tolerant to powdery mildew
Punjab Til-1 1966 650-700 48-52 80-85 White seed
TC-25 1978 700-800 50-52 80-85 White seed
TC-289 1986 700-800 48-52 84-88 White seed
Punjab Til-2 2016 700-800 48-50 85-90 White seeded, bold seeded, Toleranceto Cercospora leaf blight and phyllody




2001 800-850 48-52 85-90 White bold seed, medium tall with spreading branches




State/ Recommended Variety Year of Release Average Seed Yield





Days to maturity Salient features
Madhya Pradesh/ Chhattisgarh        
Oootacmund 1955 500-550 36-38 95-100 Black seed
JNC-6 2001 650-700 37-38 95-100 Shining dark black seed. Recommended for Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnatka and Rajasthan states
JNC-1 2002 650-700 38-40 90-100 Black seed. Recommended for Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnatka and Rajasthan states
JNS-9 2004 650-700 38-40 95-100 Black seed, tolerant to moisture stress. Recommended for all major growing states of the country
JNC-28 2016 550-600 34-36 100-100 Resistant to Cercospora and Alternaria leaf spot under field condition
JNC-30 2016 550-600 35-37 100-105 Seed Shining Black, tolerant to Cercospora and Alternaria leaf spot and root rot diseases under field conditions
GA-10 1991 600-650 39-41 115-120 Tall, dark black seed. Recommended for tribal areas of Odisha
Utkal Niger-150 2007 650-700 38-40 105-110 Black seed, tolerant to Alternaria and Cercospora leaf spot
IGP-76 (Sahyadri) 1982 500-550 35-38 95-100 Black Seed, Widely adopted to all over India
N-5 2001 500-600 36-39 95-100 Small black and sickle shaped seed. Recommended for Maharashtra and Bihar states

(Phule Karala-1)

2007 650-700 39-41 98-105 Shining black seed, Recommended for high rainfall areas of Maharashtra and Karnatka states. Tolerant to Alternaria leaf spot, powdery mildew.
IGPN-8004 450-500 34-35 100-105 resistant to Leaf spot and Powdery mildew diseases
Bihar/ Jharkhand          
Birsa Niger-1 1994 550-600 36-38 95-100 Light black seed. Recommended for uplands of Bihar/ Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh
Birsa Niger-2  (BNS-8) 2003 600-650 35-38 95-100 Black seed. Recommended for all niger growing states of the country
BNS-10 (Pooja-1) 2008 650-700 36-38 95-100 Shining black seed. Recommended for all niger growing states of the country
No.71 1976 400-450 36-38 100-105 Black  bold seed
RCR-317 1987 500-550 35-38 90-95 Black seed
RCR-18 2000 400-450 34-35 100-110 Light black seed and robust growth habit
KBN-1 2007 550-650 36-38 85-95 Black seed
DNS-4 2012 500-600 39-41 90-95 Shining black bold seed
Guj. Niger-1 2000 600-650 35-38 95-100 Black seed
Guj. Niger-2 (NRS-96-1) 2003 650-700 35-38 90-95 Black seed. Recommended for all niger growing states of the country

Vanarasi Gujarat

2016 400-450 32-35 110-115 Bold seeded with shining black colour, Resistant to Cercospora and Alternaria leaf spot
Tamil Nadu          
Paiyur –1 1996 600-650 35-38 90-95 Black seed. Recommended for hilly regions of Tamilnadu state



Technology developed


  1. Sowing of sesame at 30 cm x 10 cm planting geometry can help in reducing 30-40% seed as compared to broadcasting and also quite effective for getting maximum yield and economic returns.
  2. Application of recommended dose of fertilizer with thinning along-with plant protection and weeding proved very effective for getting  maximum yield and net returns.
  3. Application of salicylic acid (SA) @ 100 ppm +DAP @ 2% after terminal nipping at 30 DAS promotes higher branching and pod formation and results in higher yield and economic returns.
  4. As compared to organic sources, application of recommended doses of fertilizer along with suitable pesticides, gave higher yield and low cost of cultivation.
  5. Intercropping of sesame with cotton (3:1) at Amreli, black gram (3:3) at Mauranipur and groundnut (2:2) at Vridhachalam proved promising for fetching higher economic returns.
  6. Sowing of sesame on broad bed furrow with crop residue mulch gave maximum grain yield by conserving the In-situ moisture, enhanced the plant growth, yield attributes and gave maximum economic returns under rainfed condition.
  7. Sowing of sesame as sequence cropping system with gram (sesame-gram) recorded the highest system productivity, net returns and B:C ratio over other cropping sequence with sesame at Mandor.
  8. Sowing of pelleted seed of sesame with dibbling in ridges under ridge and furrow system gave good plant establishment and recorded higher yield as well as higher economic returns.

INM- 07

  1. Under the integrated nutrient management, application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through inorganic sources gave maximum yield and monetary returns followed by 75 % RDN through inorganic +12.5 % through FYM + 12.5 % through oil cake.
  2. Application of 20 kg/ha sulphur (through gypsum) recorded maximum seed yield, NMR, B: C ratio and oil yield.
  3. Application of 40 kg N + 20 kg P2O5(SSP) + 20 kg K2O (R. pen) + 5 kg PSB/ha (Soil application) recorded maximum seed and oil yield.
  4. Application of RDF + 2.5 t FYM + 20 kg ZnSO4+ 25 kg FeSO4 / ha gave the maximum seed yield, NMR, B:C ratio and oil yield of sesame in all locations.
  5. Application of 50% N through urea + 50% through oil cake at Jalgaon; 100 % N through urea at Mandor, Tikamgarh and Powarkheda; 50% N through urea + 50% N through FYM + P at Nagpur and 50% N through urea + Azotobacter+ Azospirillum + PSB + half recommended P recorded the maximum seed yield and NMR over the years. The increase in seed yield by nutrient management over control ranged between 54 to 220% at the centres.
  6. Application of FYM @ 12.5 t/ha + seed treatment (Azospirillum+ Phosphobacteria + PGPR each @ 600 g/ha of seed) + soil application of biofertilizer (Azospirillum + Phosphobacteria + PGPR each @ 2 kg/ha) and foliar application of panchagavya 3% spray at 30 and 45 DAS.

Organic Farming- 01

In organic production technology, application of 75% RDF + Azotobacter + PSB resulted in maximum seed yield, oil content and oil yield at Jabalpur.

Weed management- 04

  1. Pre emergence application of Alachlor 1.5 kg/ha followed by hand hoeing at 30 DAS or Pre emergence application of Quizalofop ethyl 20 g/ha followed by hand hoeing 30 DAS was the best integrated weed management technology in Western and Central India.
  2. Pre emergence application of Pendimethalin 30EC @ 0.50 kg/ ha followed by one hand weeding at 20 DAS proved to be better weed control method in sesame.
  3. Dibbling of sesame seeds on plastic mulch proved excellent technology for control of nuts, grasses and other broad leaf weeds in kharif
  4. One hand weeding at 15 DAS + vegetative mulching (4 t/ha organic waste) was the best in-situmoisture conservation technique for maximum seed and oil yield of sesame.


ICM- 05

  1. Intercropping of niger + ricebean (2:4) at Igatpuri, niger + frenchbean (4:2) at Semiliguda recorded the maximum NEY, NMR and B:C ratio.
  2. Application of RDF+ two foliar sprays of urea at flowering and capitula formation stage gave maximum seed yield and NMR were reported with at all the centres.
  3. One hand weeding at 15 DAS + vegetative mulching (4 t/ha organic waste) was the best in situmoisture conservation for maximum seed and oil yield.
  4. Intercropping system: Niger + Kodo/Kutki/Pearlmillet/Greengram (2:2) and Niger+ Ricebean/Cowpea/Frenchbean (4:2) are found to be remunerative.
  5. Seed loss due to shattering after the harvesting and during drying can be minimize by drying the crop directly in upright bundles tied with khuntees and threshing the crop twice (7 and 15 DAH).



  1. Addition of 20 kg S/ha (through Gypsum) to RDF recorded maximum seed yield, oil content and monetary returns.
  2. Application of 40 kg N + 20 kg P2O5 (SSP) + 20 kg K2O (R. pen) + 5 kg PSB /ha (Soil application) recorded maximum seed and oil yield.
  3. Fertilizer application is the most important component for higher seed production and maximum profit in niger. It gave better results when it is was done with weed control and plant protection measures.
  4. Application of FYM 2 t/ha + neem cake 400 kg/ha + PSB 5 kg/ha + Azotobacter5 kg/ha + ELS 15 kg/ha S + Trichoderma viride5 kg/ha seed treatment recorded higher organic niger production and improved soil fertility.
  5. Under green manuring and nitrogen management in niger for sustainable productivity and soil health, maximum seed yield of 668 kg/ha, NMR Rs 30853/ha and B:C ratio 2.94 were recorded in C3 Cowpea (GM-Niger). However in the different nitrogen levels, maximum seed yield of 684 kg/ha, NMR Rs 32001/ha and B:C ratio 3.02 were noted in N4 (100% RDN) at Semiliguda.


Under organic farming, application of FYM 2 t/ha + neem cake 400 kg/ha + PSB 5 kg/ha + Azotobactor 5 kg/ha + ELS 15 kg/ha S + Trichoderma viride 2.5 kg/ha seed treatment recorded higher production with improved soil fertility.

SM- 01

  1. Under the sowing management of niger, sowing during last week of August to 1st week of September with protective irrigation recorded higher seed yield.

WM- 01

  1. Infestation of cuscutacan be minimize by sieving of niger seed with 1mm sieve and seed treatment with 10 % brine solution or intercropping of niger with ragi (4:2) were found effective.


Plant Protection



  • Identified hot spots viz., for Antigastra-Jabalpur and Tikamgarh (M.P.), Jalgaon (M.H.), Vridhachalam (T.N.), Mandor (Rajasthan), Mauranipur Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) and Bhubaneswar (Odisha); for Gall fly- Jabalpur (MP)and Mandor (Rajasthan) and Jalgaon (M.H.); for bud fly Tikamgarh (M.P.), and for Pod bug – Vridhachalam (T.N.).
  • Economic threshold level (ETL) for leaf roller and hairy caterpillar – 1 to 2 larva per plant; Gallfly – 2 to 5 galls per plant or 10% damage and capsule borer – 1 larva per plant.
  • Sesame+green gram (3:3) and sesame+cluster bean (3:3) intercropping minimized the incidence of leaf roller/capsule borer and bud fly.
  • Spraying at bud initiation stage with insecticides dviz., imethoate 1.5 ml/l or quinalphos 25 EC 1.5 ml/l or imidacloprid 17.8% SL 0.25 ml/l is effective for the management of Dasyneuraand Asphondylia.
  • Two sprays of quinalphos 25 EC 1.5 ml/l or  Indoxacarb 15.8 EC 0.5 ml/l first at 30 DAS and second at 45 DAS is effective for Bihar hairy caterpillar.
  • IPM module-[Resistant variety + Seed treatment with Trichodermaviride (0.4%) + Intercropping with moong bean/pigeon pea/urid bean + two sprays of Azadirachitin (0.03%)] minimized the incidence of Antigastra and Dasyneura as compared to farmer’s practice, besides being economical and ecofriendly.
  • Cost effective IPM modules comprising seed treatment with imidacloprid 600 FS @ 5 ml/kg seed + inter cropping with black gram (3:3) + installation of one yellow sticky trap @ 1 trap per plot+ two foliar sprayings, first profenofos (50 EC) @ 2 ml/l and second NSKE 5% at 30 and 45 DAS, respectively for the management of major insect pests of sesame.
  • For the management of Tribolium castaneumin stored sesame,  spinosad 45 SC 0.5 ml/kg seed was found most effective and gave 100% mortality of beetles at 5 days after release. However, among plant products, NSK powder (5g/kg seed) was found effective and gave 90 % mortality after 25 days after treatment.
  • Evaluation of newer insecticides for the management of Antigastraindicated that chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC, flububendamide 480 SC, novaluran 10 EC and profenophos 50 EC were found effective and economical.
  • In evaluation of different ecological engineering methods, at Dhenkanal and Jabalpur treatment [Seed treatment with viride and  P. florescence  (10g/kg seed)  + soil application of neem cake (250 kg/ha) + border crop with maize + foliar spray of neem oil (10 ml/l)] was the most effective treatment in respect to record lowest insect pests population, plant damage, higher seed yield and BC ratio while at Vriddchalam treatment (Seed treatment with T. viride  and  P. florescence  (10g/kg seed)  + soil application of vermicompost (1 ton/ha) + border crop with pearl millet + foliar spray of vermin wash 5%) stands first and registered lowest population of leaf webber and capsule borer and higher seed yield and BC ratio.



  • Survey and seasonal incidence of insect pests conducted at Jabalpur and Chhindwara revealed that crop is damaged by 24 insect species which attack from germination till harvest. Prominent pests are niger caterpillar (Perigea capensis), semilooper (Plusia orichalcea), capsule fly (Dioxyna sororcula), aphids (Uralecuon carthami) and whitefly (Bemisia tabaci).
  • Identified promising lines N-10, N-116, N-126, N-133, N-142 and N-144  found tolerant against capsule fly; JNS-14 for Aphids and flea beetle; N-6 and N-11were found tolerant against whitefly.
  • Study of the foraging behaviour of honeybees and other pollinators indicated that the averaged number of honeybees and other pollinator was found to be at peak during early morning (7.00 hrs) and at evening period (18.00 hrs)whereas least averaged numbers of pollinators were noticed during afternoon (13.00hrs).




  • Seed treatment with viride (5.0 g/kg) + Soil application of T. viride (2.5kg/ha)and neem cake 250 kg/ha was effective in reducing the incidence of Phytophthora, Macrophomina and resulted in the higher seed yield.
  • Seed treatment with chemicals/bioagents against seed borne diseases revealed that seed treatment with carbendazim 50WP (0.1%) + thiram (0.2%) was effective to reduce the incidence of Macrophominaand Alternaria leaf spot.
  • Seed treatment with viride+ Pseudomonas fluorescens (1:1)+ Soil application of T. viride + P.  fluorescens (1:1) 2.5 kg/ha minimized the incidence of Macrophomina.
  • Two sprays of wettable sulphur (0.2%) were effective to minimize powdery mildew. Copper oxychloride (0.25%) + Streptocyclin (0.01%) minimized Phytophthoraas well as phyllody, bacterial leaf spot and bacterial blight.
  • Management of phyllody through newer molecules indicated minimum incidence and higher seed yield in seed treatment with imidacloprid (70WS 7.5 g/kg seed) and foliar spray of imidacloprid 17.8 SL at Mandor while at Vridhachalam seed treatment with Imidacloprid 70 WS 7.5 g/kg seed and foliar spray of thiomethaxam 0.25g/l was found effective.  
  • Integrated management of stem and root rot of sesame: seed treatment with viride@ 10 g/kg, furrow application of enriched T. viride (2.5 kg in 100 kg of FYM) @ 250 kg/ha followed by foliar spray of combi-product (Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25%) @ 0.5 g/l was found effective.
  • Management of sesame foliar diseases, through seed treatment with SAAF @ 3 g/kg along with 2 sprays of 0.1% carbendazim + 0.2% mancozeb recorded minimum incidence of Alternariawith the maximum seed yield.
  • Integrated management of foliar diseases: spray of fungicide Myclobutanil10%WP @ 1 g/l or Trifloxystrobin + Tebuconazole @ 0.5/l of water was found effective.
  • Integrated management of foliar diseases of sesame by seed treatment with Trichoderma viride@ 10 g/kg and furrow application of enriched (2.5 kg in 100 kg of FYM) viride @ 250 kg/ha followed spray of Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole @ 0.5 g/l was found effective for the management of Alternaria leaf spot and Cercospora leaf spot.
  • Soil Solarization + Two spray (10 days intervals) of Mancozeb (2.5g/l) or Kavach (2g/l) or Cupper Oxychloride (2.5 g/l) + Streptocyclin (0.01%) most effective for the management of Phytophthora blight. Treat the seeds with Captan or Thiram at 2g/kg or metalaxyl @ 4g/kg.• Avoid continuous cropping of sesame in the same field.• Remove and destroys infected plant debris.. Two sprays metalaxyl or Ridomil mz-78  1g/l.
  • Spray Streptomycin sulphate or oxytetracycline hydrochloride or streptocyclin at100g/ha + copper oxychloride 1 kg/ha for the management of Bacterial leaf spot.


  • Efficacy of foliar spray indicated that 0.1%carbendazim+0.2% mancozeb recorded minimum incidence of Alternaria (13.66 PDI) and Cercospora (15.49 PDI) with the maximum seed yield at Vanarasi, while at Jabalpur 0.1% carbendazim + 0.2% mancozeb followed by propiconazole 0.1% recorded minimum incidence of Alternaria (8.86 PDI), Cercospora (5.62 PDI).
  • Efficacy of foliar spray indicated that 1%carbendazim + 0.2% mancozeb recorded minimum incidence of Alternaria (14.0 PDI), Cercospora (14.5 PDI), whereas the maximum seed yield was recorded with propiconazole.



Sesame (2016-2021)

State FLDs (No.) Mean seed yield (kg/ha) Increase in seed yield (%)
Gujarat 130 763.1 543.2 40.48
Madhya Pradesh 510 602.9 305.4 97.41
Uttar Pradesh 494 471.9 298.7 57.98
Punjab 126 539.5 399.6 35.01
Rajasthan 110 498.6 398.5 25.12
Maharashtra 250 476.7 368.5 29.36
Tamilnadu 135 831.0 489.4 69.80
Karanataka 132 607.8 295.4 105.75
Jharkhand 65 576.3 298.2 93.26
Total 1952      



State FLDs (No.) Mean seed yield (kg/ha) Increase in seed yield (%)
Gujarat 62 433.2 281.0 54.16
Jharkhand 144 434.9 338.6 28.44
Karnataka 10 620.0 397.5 55.97
Madhya Pradesh 330 456.1 290.6 56.95
Maharashtra 150 402.9 265.7 51.65
Odisha 100 344.8 185.0 86.38
Total 796