All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame and Niger
(AICRP-Sesame and Niger)


Mandate of the Project

  • Development of ecologically sound, economically viable, situation specific agro production and protection technologies.
  • Generation of location specific inter disciplinary information based on multilocation testing.
  • Transfer of technology.
  • Coordinate, plan and monitor the sesame and Niger research.
  • To provide the base for exchange of scientific information, inter institutional and inter disciplinary linkages between the National Institutes and State Agricultural Universities.

Mandate of the PCU

  • Planning, coordination and monitoring of research and breeder seed production.
  • Collection, characterization, evaluation, multiplication and cataloguing of germplasm.
  • Maintenance, conservation and supply of germplasm to breeders of public and private sectors.
  • Organization of workshops/seminars and supporting the centres in overall development.
  • Documentation of information and publication of relevant literature.