- To develop high oil and high yield varieties/hybrids suitable for different agro-climatic regions and crop growing situations (Kharif, Rabiand Spring/ Summer) with resistance to major biotic and abiotic stresses.
- To undertake germplasm collection, conservation, characterization, cataloguing and dissemination of information and materials.
- To produce nucleus and breeder seed of released varieties.
- Expansion of sesame to non-traditional regions by developing variety/hybrid(s) with crop production technologies suitable for prevailing cropping systems such as sesame in kharif (fallow), and rice fallow regions and also in summer season.
- Development and refinement of integrated nutrient and weed management system for aberrant weather condition with higher input use efficiency and sustainable production.
- To identify efficient inter and sequential cropping systems with sesame as one of the components for different situations.
- Exploration of different components of IPM for the management of major insect pests (Antigastra, leafhopper, Asphondylia) and diseases (Macrophomina, phyllody, Phytophthora, Alternaria, Cercospora and Powdery mildew).
- Transfer of improved technology to farmers for reducing the yield gap.
- To develop high seed and oil yielding varieties suited to diverse situations with an emphasis on low input conditions and resistance to major insect pests and diseases.
- To undertake collection and management of germplasm resources.
- To undertake production of nucleus and breeder seed of released varieties.
- To develop agro-production and protection technologies for different niger growing areas and situations.
- To study the scope of raising niger as sequence and intercrop/ off season crop for increasing production and profitability.
- Identification of sources of resistance against major insect pests and disease
- To demonstrate the potentials of improved technology.