All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame and Niger
(AICRP-Sesame and Niger)

Research And Development



S.No Target assigned Centres
1 Management of Genetic Resources All centres
2. Multi location Germplasm Evaluation (27) All centres
3. Coordinated Trials [IVT (20) & AVT (07)] : Kharif  (14 centers) Zone-I: Ludhiana, Hisar, Mandor, Amreli, Jalgaon, Jagtial  (06)

Zone-II: Mauranipur, Tikamgarh, Tirupati, Sabour, Jabalpur, Dharwad, Bilaspur, Chitrakoot, Kanpur, Jhansi, Bangalore. (11)

Zone-III: Dhenkanal, Vridhachalam, Berhampore and Kolkata (04) 

4 Coordinated Trials [IVT (18) & AVT (10)] : Summer (28) Zone-I: Jalgaon, Jagtial, Parbhani, Bangalore


Zone-II: Tirupati, Sabour, Jabalpur (03)

Zone-III: Kolkata, Dhenkanal and Vridhachalam (03)

5 National Crossing Programme Amreli, Dhenkanal, Tikamgarh, Tirupati, Jagtial, Jalgaon, Mandor, Dharwad, Mauranipur, Vridhachalam
6 Testing of breeding materials
  Resistance to Cerospora leaf spot and bacteria leaf spot Dharwad
   Resistance to Phyllody Vridhachalam, Mandor, Jagtial, Jabalpur, IIOR Hyderabad
  Resistance to Macrophomina Vridhachalam, Mandor, Dhenkanal, IIOR Hyderabad
  Resistance to Alternaria leaf spot, Phytopthora blight and Powdery mildew Dhenkanal, Jagtial, Dhenkanal, Kolkata and Jabalpur


  Resistance to Antigastra Mandor, Jabalpur
7 Resistance to Gallfly Jabalpur, Mandor, Jalgaon, Tikamgarh (bud fly), Vridhachalam (Pod bug)
8 Drought resistance Amreli, Mandor, Jagtial, Jalgaon
9 Nucleus/Breeder Seed Production Tikamgarh, Mauranipur, Amreli, Mandor, Dhenkanal, Vridhachalam, Dharwad, Jagtial, Kolkata



S.No Target assigned Centres
1 Management of Genetic Resources All centres

(Jabalpur, Semiliguda, Chhindwara, Igatpuri, Dharwad, Chintapalle and Vanarasi)


2. Initial varietal trial  (12) (9 centers) Chhindwara, Semiliguda, Gumla, Igatpuri, Vanarasi, Chintapalle, Jagdalpur, Raichur and Dharwad.


3. Advanced varietal trial (9 entries)


Chhindwara, Semiliguda, Gumla, Igatpuri, Vanarasi, Chintapalle, Jagdalpur, Raichur and Dharwad.


4. Crop improvement through polycross combinations All centres
5. Nucleus/Breeder Seed production Chhindwara, Igatpuri, Vanarsi, Semiliguda


Sesame: Agronomy

S.No. Name of the Trial Locations
1. Optimization of nutrient requirement for AVT genotypes Amreli, Jabalpur, Jalgaon, Mandor, Mauranipur,

Tikamgarh, Vridhachalam, Kolkatta, Tirupati

2. Effect of land configuration and in situ moisture conservation on sesame under rainfed condition Tirupati
3. Effect of seed pelleting and crop establishment method on growth and yield of sesame Jabalpur, Vridhachalam
4. Effect of mulch and herbicides on weed dynamics of sesame Amreli, Jabalpur, Jalgaon, Mandor, Mauranipur,

Tikamgarh, Vridhachalam, Kolkatta, Tirupati

3. Development of full organic package of practice for export quality sesame Amreli, Jabalpur, Jalgaon, Mandor, Mauranipur, Tikamgarh, Vridhachalam, Kolkatta, Tirupati
5. Evaluation of pre-emergence and post emergence herbicide for weed management in sesame (An Alternative to Pendimethalin) Amreli, Jabalpur, Jalgaon, Mandor, Mauranipur, Tikamgarh, Vridhachalam, Kolkatta, Tirupati


    Allocation of the trials (Agronomy)

S.No Title of the experiment Locations
1. Optimization of nutrient requirement for AVT genotypes Chhindwara, Vanarasi,   Semiliguda,


2. Response of different date of sowing and methods of fertilization in niger Chhindwara, Vanarasi,   Semiliguda,


1 Green  manuring and nitrogen management in niger for sustainable productivity & soil health Chhindwara, Vanarasi,   Semiliguda,


2 Bio efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides against cuscuta management in niger Chhindwara, Vanarasi,   Semiliguda,


Entomology: Sesame:

Exp . No. Name of the Experiment Locations
1 (i) Screening of germplasm against major insect pests Vridhachalam, Mandor, Tikamgarh, Jabalpur and Dhenkanal.
1(ii) Uniform Pest Nursery trial Tikamgarh, Vridhachalam, Jabalpur, Dhenkanal and Mandor.
1(iii)  Screening of advanced breeding materials against major insect pests Tikamgarh, Vridhachalam, Jabalpur, Dhenkanal and Mandor.
2 Evaluation of resistance in promising genotypes of sesame through artificial pest load and antibiosis studies Vridhachalam, Jabalpur, Mandor, Dhenkanal , Tikamgarh
3 Seasonal incidence of major insects pest of sesame in relation to biotic and abiotic factors Vridhachalam, Tikamgarh, Mandor, Jabalpur and Dhenkanal.
4 Compatibility of insecticides with foliar nutrients in sesame Jabalpur, Mandor, Tikamgarh, Dhenkanal  and Vridhachalam.
5 Identification of alternate hosts for leaf webber/capsule borer and leafhopper Jabalpur, Mandor, Tikamgarh, Dhenkanal  and Vridhachalam.


Identification of Bio-intensive Pest Management (BIPM) approaches in sesame for organically managed system. Jabalpur, Mandor, Tikamgarh, Dhenkanal  and Vridhachalam


Entomology: Niger

Exp No. Name of the Experiment Location
1 Screening of advanced breeding materials against major insect pests Jabalpur
2 Seasonal incidence of insect pests of niger in relation to biotic and abiotic factors Jabalpur

Sesame Pathology, 2021-22

Exp . No. Name of the Experiment Locations
I.  Survey for on farm situations of sesame diseases


Dharwad, Dhenkanal, Jabalpur, Jagtial,

Kolkata, Mandor, and Vridhachalam

II (a). Uniform disease nursery for Phytophthora, Cercospora, Alternaria, Powdery mildew, Bacterial leaf spot, Macrophomina, Phytoplasma and leaf curl Kharif: Dhenkanal, Dharwad, Jabalpur,

Jagtial, Mandor and Vridhachalam,

Summer: Jagtial and Kolkata.


II (b). Screening of germplasm against diseases of sesame


Kharif: Dhenkanal, Dharwad, Jabalpur, Jagtial, Mandor and Vridhachalam, Summer: Jagtial and Kolkata
II(C).  Identification of resistant sources for Macrophomina phaseolina stem and root rot of sesame Locations:Kharif:Vridhachalam, Mandor, Dhenkanal, and Jabalpur

Summer: Dharwad, Jabalpur and Kolkata

III. Disease assessment in coordinated trials of other disciplines Dhenkanal, Dharwad, Jagtial, Kolkata, Mandor and Vridhachalam
IV. Biopriming and integrated management of sesame diseases Dhenkanal, Dharwad, Jabalpur, Jagtial, Kolkata, Mandor and Vridhachalam
V. Biological management of sesame diseases through organics Dhenkanal, Dharwad, Jabalpur, Jagtial, Kolkata, Mandor and Vridhachalam
VI.  Forecasting and development of spray schedule for sesame diseases Dhenkanal, Dharwad, Jabalpur, Jagtial, Kolkata, Mandor and Vridhachalam

Niger Pathology, 2021-22

Exp . No. Name of the Experiment Locations
I. Survey for Niger diseases Dharwad and Jabalpur
II (a). Uniform disease nursery for Cercospora, Alternaria and Powdery mildew Dharwad and Jabalpur
II (b).


Screening of germplasm for diseases of Niger Dharwad

Biochemistry & Post harvest Technology and Value Addition (2021-22)

Sesame: Biochemistry

Exp . No. Name of the Experiment Locations
1. Studies on proximate and mineral composition of whole and dehulled sesame seeds. Jabalpur
2. Development of simple and inexpensive method of seed preservation to maintain vigour, viability and productivity of stored sesame seeds. Jabalpur
3. Evaluation and characterization of sesame germplasm for quality parameters. Jabalpur
4. Oil analysis of coordinated trials of breeding, agronomy and other discipline. Jabalpur

Niger: Biochemistry

Exp . No. Name of the Experiment Locations
1. Evaluation and characterization of niger  germplasm for quality parameters. Jabalpur
2. Oil analysis of coordinated trials of breeding, agronomy and other discipline. Jabalpur

Sesame: Post harvest Technology and Value Addition

Exp . No. Name of the Experiment Locations
1. Development and evaluation of defatted sesame flour incorporated protein enriched extruded products. Amreli
2. Standardization of process parameters for sesame spread preparation. Amreli
3. Study on dehulling characteristics of different sesame seed cultivars. Amreli