Welcome to AICRP on Soil Test Crop Response
The major challenges in 21st century are food security, environmental quality and soil health. Besides, shrinking land holdings and increasing cost of inputs in India merit adoption of scientific use of plant nutrient for higher crop productivity. To address crop productivity through soil test based plant nutrient management, the ICAR project on Soil Test Crop Response has used the multiple regression approach to develop relationship between crop yields on the one hand, and soil test estimates and fertilizer inputs, on the other. Nutrient supplying power of soils, crop responses to added nutrients and amendment needs can safely be assessed through sound soil testing programme. Soil test calibration that is intended to establish a relationship between the levels of soil nutrients determined in the laboratory and crop response to fertilizers in the field permits balanced fertilization through right kind and amount of fertilizers.
- STCR prescription equations were used for development of customised fertilisers by M/s NFCL, Hyderabad and M/s Indo Gulf Fertilisers, Uttar Pradesh.
- Developed soil testing protocol for organic farming system including characterization and quantification of microbiologically exploited organic phosphorus pool.
Project Coordinator’s message
Since its Inception, ICAR sponsored All India Coordinated Research Project on Soil Test Crop Response strive for balance between crop productivity, farmers’ profitability, soil sustainability and higher nutrient response ratio of applied plant nutrients. What defines us is our commitment for offering diligent mix of crop productivity and soil sustainability which endeavours to give farmers the best of both world and opportunity for higher return based on resource endowment capacity.