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AICRP on Poultry Breeding

Salient Achievements

AICRP on Poultry Breeding program successfully developed high yielding layers and broilers suitable for commercial poultry. The layer and broiler pure lines were screened and evaluated during the initial period at different centres, out of which 6 layer lines ( IWN, IWP, IWI, IWH, IWD, IWF) and 4 broiler lines (PB-1, PB-2, CSML and CSFL) were selected and further improved using quantitative genetic tools.

Salient Achievements

  1. Developed and released different chicken varieties suitable for commercial and rural poultry.


  1. ILI-80 ( CARI, Izatnagar)
  2. ILM-90 (KAU, Mannuthy)
  3. ILR-90 (APAU, Hyderabad)


  1. B-77 (CARI, Izatnagar)
  2. IBL-80( PAU, Ludhiana)
  3. IBB-83 (UAS, Bengaluru)
  4. IBI 91 (CARI, Izatnagar)


Following are the location specific chicken varieties developed under rural poultry:

  1. Himsamridhi (Himachal Pradesh)
  2. Pratapdhan (MPUAT, Udaipur)
  3. Narmadanidhi (NDVSU, Jabalpur)
  4. Kamrupa (AAU, Guwahati)
  5. Jharsim (BAU, Ranchi)
  6. Improved the egg production in commercial layer from 220 to 305 eggs through selective breeding in pure lines
  7. Improved the broiler performance in slow growing coloured broilers
  8. Evolved six elite layer and 4 broiler pure line populations through selective breeding over the years. The populations are unique as these are evolved under Indian conditions.
  9. Developed location specific chicken varieties (4) for rural poultry and propagated in respective regions.
  10. Conserved the native indigenous chicken breeds at different centres.
  11. Characterization of non-descriptive chicken across the country is in progress
  12. About 92 lakhs of chicken germplasm was distributed to the farmers from different AICRP centres
  13. Conducted training/awareness programs to the farmers.
  14. Technical advisories were provided to the farmers, poultry industry and other stakeholders in poultry farming and its associated activities