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AICRP on Safflower

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The All India Coordinated Research Project on Oilseeds (AICRP) was established in 1967 by the ICAR with the objective to control and coordinate the planning, funding and execution of research programme at multi-locations to develop the region specific technologies as well as to solve the problems of national importance. The main aim of this programme was to have a systematic research programmes to augment the production and productivity of oilseeds in the country. In 1972, safllower was included in the project along with sunflower and niger and the total financial outlay was Rs. 165.00 lakhs for the entire plan period. The budget for AICRP (Safflower) was only Rs. 5.27 lakhs. Initially, the AICRP (Safflower) programme started at Jalgaon as the main centre in 1972 and three sub-centres viz., Rajendranagar, Annigeri and Coimbatore were added in 1972 with a total manpower of 16 (Scientists=8, Technical=8). The Associate Project Coordinator of castor was also coordinating the safflower programme. As coordinating and monitoring of the entire project by one Project Coordinator due to expansion of the project by addition of centres and crops became difficult, in the V Plan, one Associate Project Coordinators position for safflower was created to assist the Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinating (PC) Unit of safflower was shifted to Solapur (Maharashtra). With the addition of Varanasi as a new centre under safflower project, the total number of centres was increased to six including PC unit during V Plan. The Associate Project Coordinating Unit was also strengthened by addition of one scientist, two technical and two supporting staff. With the total manpower of 26 (Scientists= 11, Technical = 12, others=3) and budget of about Rs. 11.09 lakhs, the programmes under the AICRP (Safflower) were carried out.


Later, vast expansion of oilseeds research and the non-existence of one apex Institute at national level to take leadership in oilseeds research guided the policy makers to establish Directorate of Oilseeds Research (DOR) in August, 1977. This Directorate located at Hyderabad headed by the Project Director was assisted by seven Project Coordinators to plan, monitor and coordinate the research programmes of each of the seven oilseed crops. The formation of the DOR also paved the way for organising and conducting basic and production-oriented research which could not have been taken up under AICRP network. During VI Plan period (1980-85), with the total outlay of Rs. 55.97 lakhs, the AICRP (Safflower) programme was strengthened with the addition of Phaltan and Solapur centres. Ihe germplasm unit at the Project Coordinating Unit, Solapur was created to augment, evaluate and characterize the safflower genetic resources. The total number of centres was increased to nine by the creation of a centre at Indore (Madhya Pradesh) with the assistance from International Research Development Centre of Canada (IRDC). During VII Plan period (1985-90), the total number of positions became 78 (scientists=29, technical=39 and others=10) and Raichur was included as a new centre. During this period, Coimbatore centre was closed and the safflower programme was shifted from Rajendranagar to Tandur. With the increase of nearly two and half times budget outlay (Rs. 197.72 lakhs) and 72 positions in total (Scientists=27, Technical=36 and others=9) the programme on safflower was strengthened during VIII Plan period with a new centre at Parbhani (Maharashtra).


During IX Plan period, based on the Jain Committee recommendations, the Project Coordinator’s position was abolished and the Project Director of DOR was given the responsibility to coordinate and monitor the activities of safflower programme. With effect from 1st July 2001, the Project Coordinating Unit at Solapur was closed. By redeployment of 11 staff (Scientists=4 and Technical=7) to the other projects and abolition of five positions (Administrative and supporting) the total positions of the AICRP (Safflower) programme was reduced to 55. The total budget outlay was Rs 378.05 lakhs. In X Plan, the project is continued at seven centres with a manpower provision of 50 (Scientists=24, technical=24 and administrative and supporting=2) and total budget outlay of Rs. 537 lakhs. In XI Plan (2007-12), the AICRP (Safflower) programme was implemented at eight centres with Raipur (IGKVV) as a new centre and 50 positions (24-Scientific, 24-Technical and 2 others).

During 2018-19, Akola centre was closed and the project is operating from seven centres  with a manpower provision of 39 (Scientists=22 and technical=17).